Friday 12 May 2017

Supporting our local community

So, the day has finally arrived! I met with Andrea last year and discussed ways in which we can increase and continue our support of Furley Park Academy. We have, for a number of years now, provided the children's sports kits and they look amazing when they attend events, and regularly win as well! I wanted to support the school more so introduced a scheme to enable this to happen. In essence, any parent or guardian of a child at the school who sells a property through Evolution will be helping the school as we donate 25% of the pre-vat fee upon successful completion of the sale. It really is that simple! Andrea was talking to me today about an amazing play area project that they are looking to do so I am really keen to get as much fundraising carried out as possible.

Don't forget, if your thinking of selling, call us 1st to see why people keep recommending our services and at the same time, be part of your local community!


Do you have a local project that needs support? Maybe we can help! Contact us today!

#FurleyParkAcademy, #supportinglocalcommunity


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