Sunday 18 November 2018

Lets earn more referral commission!!!

So, after months of research, development, breaking, fixing, breaking and fixing again, we are so pleased and proud to be able to bring to the market. This was made possible by a really great colleague and friend Matt, who is the whiz behind the programming and I have no idea how he puts up with my OCD and pretty daft technical questions!

Basically, as an independent agent I was getting increasingly frustrated by not being able to offer a full service to clients who are moving from out of our area. Yes, we work hard and cover from Ashford to the Medway towns, out to Thanet, through Dover to New Romney and back so can cover a decent area but not far enough in my opinion! I didn't want to be paying for an expensive network set up and also one that limits what you can do. I wanted something creative and affordable so with Matts skills and my experience we built rightval.

Why is it different to anything else you may want to know? Well, its FULLY customisable to you and your company, you can allocate any lead to anyone in your company and in any branch automatically as well as manually, built in marketing packages using QR codes to allow you to track your results but more importantly, the referrals for out of town properties!

We all know that people buy from people right?

You have worked hard with a client, selling them a dream home but you cant fulfil that dream and sell theirs! You have to leave it to fate to do that and just hope they get a decent agent on board.

Well, worry no more!

With a few clicks of the keyboard, you can arrange for a local "partner" agent to contact them and secure that listing. We will happily show you how, provide you with training and make every deal count!

Why do you want to do that?

To sell the house that is on your books for a start but also earn commission from the sale of the instruction that you generated!

There are some obvious T&Cs involved to ensure quality of service and we will but this is all built in to the product and at just £49+vat a month its a no brainer surely?

Feel free to check out the site and if you want a demo, which is totally free of charge, just click the button on the site or message me.

We love it and we know you will too!

Roy & Matt


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