Friday 16 November 2018

Park Farm Playground Project

So here we are this morning, met with David at the park, along with the rest of the team supporting the #parkfarmplaygroundproject Reason for meeting???? Well, since the launch of this amazing community project, Evolution has pledged to gift £100 for each and every property in Park Farm and Bridgefield that comes to the market. We had 2 great home come on in the last week, one has already sold too, so we had great delight in handing over 2 x £100 cheques. Such amazing work by local people for the community and we should all get involved in some way shape or form as its our community!!! For more information about how you can assist, just contact the project or ourselves! #goldwinner #sellinghouses #bestinclass #house #ashfordkent #evolutionproperties #parkfarmplaygroundproject #ashford #localcommunity #lovewherewelive


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